Hi All, Happy Tuesday
Julie's doing ok! (Had to start with that).
Last week was Julie's first visit to the Family Clinic of Natural Medicine in Deerfield (about a 10 minute ride for us). They did a dressing change on Julie and also did blood work (the nice part is that they can draw blood right from her central line for the blood work). We went yesterday to see the doctor and found out that Julie's hemoglobin dropped to 6.8, 7 is the number we don't want it to go below. The doctor checked out Julie and suggested an iron shot, so she got a shot of iron. I thought we were going to end up at the hospital again! Maybe today ??? We did more blood work yesterday and are waiting on results, if it drops anymore we should go just to be on the safe side. I also am changing her supplements a little. I was giving her Turmeric because its good for pain and inflammation , but didn't realize that it can cause anemia!!! So I beat myself up yesterday for not knowing that!!!
So, we do the best we can, take one day at a time and pray! I still believe God will heal Julie!
Julie and I are still praying for everyone that is suffering and dealing with this illness along with all other illnesses. Put it in Gods hands they all say! And we say that too!
So love and peace to all, thanks for all the prayers and we will keep praying.
God bless to all.
Joe and Julie
PS. Thank you neighbors for the wonderfully delicious meals!
PPS. We ended up going to the hospital today. We are getting their thoughts on if Julie should get more blood.