Hi Everyone, Happy Thursday!
Yesterday was a busy day. We met with a Palliative Care Nurse Practitioner and although she was nice, she likely will not be much help. Our main thing we addressed with her was Julie's anemia. We are wanting to get on a consistent schedule of getting her hemoglobin checked and being able to go to a clinic for blood transfusions instead of the ER. (I've been working on this forever) so frustrating! She has to check with her "team" to get approval for that because any doctor that can order that won't take on Julie as a patient because she is not doing Chemo, radiation or immunotherapy. (What Bullshit) . She said she will call us back on Monday and let us know if she's able to help with that. Otherwise, we don't really need her services because I have everything else handled.
After that appointment we went to the pulmonologist and had fluid drained again. Julie has been experiencing fevers lately and the pulmonologist thinks that the tumor may have an infection inside of it. He still believes the tumor is dying and its causing her problems. We tried some antibiotics a couple weeks ago and we don't think that solved the infection so he is suggesting that Julie spend a couple days in the hospital on IV antibiotics so we are going to do that and should be checking in this afternoon, just patiently waiting for a phone call to confirm before we leave the house. I would say the pulmonologist has been the most help to us since we came back to Madison, he's actually willing to think about Julie's overall health instead of just wanting to treat her cancer!
Julie is still really weak! Yesterday her temperature spiked at 103! So she is all covered up nice and cozy on the couch while we wait to be admitted. She did get back over 101 lbs. That's awesome!
Some of our friends want to visit us and I kind of keep telling them no. Sorry about that everyone, but a lot of times Julie is just not up for visitors. Maybe if we can knock this infection out of her body she will have more energy.
It's hard to believe we've been at this for 8 months now. We will keep thinking outside the box, pushing these doctors to do the same and praying.
Please keep praying for me and Julie and everyone who is fighting any illness.
Adrian... Michael... Craig... Barry... Di... Keep fighting!
Julie and I will keep praying for everyone also.
Love and prayers to all.
PS: If I get a chance to write again while Julie is in the hospital I will, otherwise, have a great Thursday and a great weekend.
Joe and Julie
