Hi All, Happy Thursday...
This week is a little quieter than last week... I hate it when Julie has to go to the hospital... and last week was no exception!!! We did pick a different hospital this time... and what a difference!!! We were treated like actual people instead of someone that has an illness. It's hard to explain but the doctors and nurses at this hospital wanted to help Julie. I think the doctors and nurses at the other hospital just wrote Julie off as as lost cause.
This week started off with just 3 things on the calendar. Talk to our primary care doctor and then do a dressing change with our nurse Nikki and meet with our acupuncturist. Our primary care doctor had some good suggestions and then told Julie to take Ensure every day. I almost lost it, but did keep my composure... Everyone look up the ingredients of Ensure and then throw that shit away! So, the doctor suggested that Julie do Iron infusions, weekly or bi-weekly blood testing and then meet with a hematologist to see if we can control her hemoglobin better without going to the hospital... Finally someone that is thinking outside the box!
She also suggested to meet with her every month! WOW... The doctor also wants to keep an eye on Julie's fluid buildup and the fluid that they pulled out of her last week was almost a quart and it was tested for cancer and infection... it was all clear!! Great news! (that was a run on sentence).
So we are headed in the right direction this week. Julie is back on the Antineoplastons and is still tired and her tumor is shrinking. Oh, one more thing we did see the acupuncturist this week and she told me to slow down (good luck with that) and that Julie is doing good!
Amy is here today with the twins... I think Julie, Claire and Aubrey are chillin on the couch watching cartoons. Amy (my editor) is trying to teach me some stuff on the computer. I have to get back on track with my Amare sales and my TikTok videos, its been about 6 months since we started with Julie's illness and it definitely can consume a person. So as I have a few minutes... I need to keep moving! (so much for resting).
My friend Mike (I still call him my cousin) lost his mother-in-law this week... so lets say a prayer for Mike and Joanne! Speaking of prayers... Micheal, Adrian, Di, and Barry we are still thinking about you all and are still praying for you!! And more prayers for everyone dealing and battling with all illnesses.
That's all I have for now... Peace, hope, love and prayers to all.
Joe and Julie

Hi Julie and Joe,
Thank you so much for sharing these updates. I was so glad you found caring nurses at the second hospital. You deserve only the best. A caring presence and love is healing. I’m sending love and prayers and hugs from Darien. You have always been such a great couple and I sure can feel the love on this journey. You surely are the best team!!!!
With love and prayers,
Mary-Beth and Mike Desmond