Hi Everyone... Happy Hot Saturday
Another 2 weeks have rolled by since my last post.
Everything is pretty much the same. Julie doesn't have much energy, we have been going to doctor appointments and did end up back in the hospital on the the 30th.
We started the 30th out as a pretty usual day. We did have an appointment in the morning for blood work and an x-ray and in the afternoon we were going to have Julie's fluid drained from her plural cavity.
So we got all that done and her blood test results came back. Her hemoglobin was low again so she needed blood. So we go downstairs to the emergency room for more blood. One of the reasons we like to go to Meriter hospital is because its smaller. The 3rd floor is Pulmonology, the second floor is the infusion center (if we ever get authorized to use it) and the first floor is the emergency room. They call it the atrium wing of the hospital. So, after blood we got to go home at about 10pm that night. We would have left sooner but I spent an hour looking for my car. I gave the car to the valet and they didn't park it where they said they were going to park it. I walked that 10 story parking garage twice and could not find my car. The 3rd time one of the security guards walked with me, the girl said " I think I might know where your car is" and we found it in the basement part of the parking garage! Why can't going to the hospital be easy??? Is it because every one is stressed out just thinking about going??? I don't know?
Other than that Julie has been doing a lot of couch sitting and we started her on IV vitamin C infusions to see if we can get her some energy.
That's all I have for now.
Keep praying for us and everyone else !
We will keep praying also!
Love to all, God bless.
Joe and Julie