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Saturday 4/13/24

Updated: Apr 16

Hi All, Happy Saturday.

Julie and I are still hanging out in Florida. The weather has been nice but still windy. Julie is still coughing a bit so I went out and bought us a HEPA filter the other day, just seems like there is a lot of crap in the air. It did rain the other day and the next day the air felt just so crisp and clean. We did do a dressing change on her central line this week and her blood work is holding up pretty good. Julie's hemoglobin dropped a little bit and I freaked out and couldn't sleep one night. I have flash backs of when I had to rush her to the hospital when it dropped dangerously low. This time was not the case, we didn't have to go to the hospital, she didn't need blood, everything was ok, but it still freaks me out. (a little PTSD) :(

We did schedule a PET scan for this coming week, so we'll see how that turns out.

Julie and I would will keep praying for our friends who are still struggling with the big C, Di who is starting some new treatments, Jordan who has been in and out of the hospital, Michael who just finished up some chemo, and I think Barry is doing ok. On a sad note, we did lose our friend Danka this week, we received a message from her Goddaughter of her passing. This shit sucks! Lord God please take care of Danka, may she rest in peace.

Jake sent us a picture of the thermometer from up North... 80 degrees already and the flowers are starting to bloom... so a few more weeks in Florida before we head back North.

Julie and I would like to thank everyone for the cards, pictures, drawings, texts, phone calls, messages, meals, thoughts, prayers, love and everything else that I might be forgetting.

God is good so lets all keep praying for one another!

Love to all,

Joe and Julie

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