Happy Monday!
Hi All, Happy Monday... I'm trying to be positive!
I thought Julie's party was awesome... Thank you everyone for dressing up for the occasion!
I never really gave Julie a big bash and she always kidded me about it... but she always got what she wanted, or at least needed!
Yesterday Leah, Amy, Claire, Aubrey and I did thank you cards... I actually wrote a little note in every card! Some cards I just didn't know what to say, so it says just that! Some of the cards have little smart alec sayings... Just ask Julie's sister Trish... she's probably going to kick my butt when she gets her card.
I did want to thank everyone... so I hope everyone receives a thank you note... If I missed you or screwed up I'm sorry... I did the best I could! If anyone would like a mass card... I have extras... let me know.
Leah and I woke up this morning and started driving to Florida... It's about 1400 miles... so we'll see what happens. We're already in Georgia, trying to make it through Atlanta tonight so we don't have to deal with the traffic in the morning.
When I receive Julie's ashes I will start reaching out to everyone... and where is the toothpick???
Thanks to Uncle Scott for taking a family picture on Saturday.
Thank you all again for praying, caring, and all the support over these last 9 months.
Love to all... and keep praying
