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Monday Dinner!

Updated: Apr 16

Julie cooked today's dinner. She wanted tater tot casserole which consists of hamburger, green beans, cream of mushroom soup and tater tots on top. It's the first meal she has cooked since before Christmas. So I guess you could say she's doing better!

We did a PET scan this morning and about an hour later we got a call from the imaging center with concerns about her scan. They can't tell if the 6" mass in her stomach is there or not, maybe it's just air, maybe its nothing. They asked, is she in pain? does she need to go to the hospital? She is not in pain so no need to rush to the hospital. So, we patiently wait at home for more opinions. They have sent her results to the Burzynski Clinic in Houston to read the scans before we jump to any conclusions. (So, another kind of freak out day for me!) How big is your rollercoaster? I use this saying all the time... some people's rollercoasters are just bigger than others.

I'm still concerned about Julie's hemoglobin so I think we will take a ride to the blood testing place in the morning to do another blood draw.

Our friends and neighbors in Wisconsin are wondering when we are coming home. Jake and Amy are doing a great job keeping everyone informed, and yes we will be coming home in a few weeks!

That's all I have for now.

Lets all keep praying for everyone who is suffering with an illness... whether it's the big C, or anything else and yes... thanks for all the prayers and well wishes we keep on receiving... thank you, thank you, thank you! God bless you all!

Peace and Love,

Joe and Julie

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