Hi All.... Happy Monday
As many of you know ... when I start out writing an email or a note to someone I always like to start with ... Happy what ever day it is ... Today is happy Monday ... whether its a good day or not ... I always try to brighten the mood!
Well today is a happy Monday ... first off Julie and I are still alive :)
I have to admit since the beginning of the year ... and especially the last 24 hours have been extremely stressful. We did a lot of research and had a lot of help from all our family and friends. We are truly blessed and grateful and believe we are in the best possible place.
Today Julie had a central line put in her first thing this morning and by Noon she was receiving her first treatment. We will go to the clinic every day (except Sundays) for the next few weeks to make sure everything is ok. Julie's blood work has been sent out to specialized labs for extensive testing. Her biopsies have also been sent to a lab in Chicago for unique genomic profiling. This is some wild shit!
So as I have been saying... Lord , just one more day... Hopefully down the road Julie and I can think of more than just one more day... But for now ... thank you Lord!
Please keep the prayers coming... I love talking to the neighbors and the kids say "we prayed for Julie tonight at the dinner table"... thank you all very much
Love to all,
Joe and Julie
Ps. the picture of Julie is with her new friend (the black pack with the pump and medicine) it stays with her 24/7! and Gold fish !!! its not gluten free ???? What !
