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On December 30th 2023 Julie and I ended up in the emergency room ... Julie had extreme stomach pain.

After a CT was performed we received the news that Julie had stomach cancer. She has a mass some where in her abdomen....In her stomach, on her stomach ...nobody knew for sure. We were sent home with some good strong meds and told to see our primary care doctor.

So ...onto the primary care doctor... The doctor took a look at Julie and said you need to see a surgeon...

So onto the Surgeon at UW-Madison . We met with the doctor and he said that he could remove her stomach and whatever else he see's he will take out ... he told us recovery would be really kidding!!! We were sent home with a decision to make ... The surgeon said he would get in touch with the oncology department for a consultation.

The following week we had a video consult with the oncologist for the standard chemo... another decision to make. I asked about more blood work, a PET scan, and to check the biopsies from the upper GI to confirm that the cancer was in her stomach...

Well ... a week went by before we could do the blood work ... Tuesday Jan 30th we did the blood work ...

A half hour later we were home and I received a call to get Julie to the emergency room right away ...

do not pass not collect $200 dollars ....NOW ...I told the doctor that Julie was sleeping ...

the doctor said I don't care ... wake her up ... take her NOW! so I did...

she ended up getting 3 pints of blood and 5 radiation treatments.... It was fricken scary !!!

She was released on Saturday and we made plans to go to Texas!!!

(So this is the short story ... I will add to it later)


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