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Hi All Happy Thursday!

One Week ago Julie could barely walk from the parking lot into the Burzynski Clinic.

Today she walked in ...had her 3 hour treatment ... and walked out!

She even did 4 laps around the back yard this afternoon. Wow!

Every day we enter the clinic... Julie gets weighed (she gained one pound today) yea!

Then she gets a once over... blood pressure, oxygen, temperature and blood work if necessary.

Patrick is in charge of Julie and lets us know if we need to do anything special for the day... The last couple of days she has received IV fluids. Julie was a little tired today... we stayed up later than normal last nice because Leah arrived and we are upping Julie's meds. I am getting to the point where I will soon be in charge of administering Julie's meds on a daily basis... I just need a little more practice.

This week we have met people from all over the country as well as a family from Guyana, South America... Wow... who would have thought! Everyone is just so so caring and just trying to help their mom, brother, sister, cousin or a special friend. The love and prayers we are passing around is great!

So overall it was a good day!

Please keep the love, hope and prayers coming!


Joe and Julie

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