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Happy Tuesday

Hi All, Happy Tuesday

Yes, it is a happy Tuesday. We made it through a long Monday.

Today we all slept in. We arrived at the clinic at Noon, Julie's vitals were good, some of her numbers were off from Mondays blood work so she received more supplements and fluids. I have to tell you... these days just blend together... not sure if every day is the same or different, but Julie seems to be getting better. We need for her to be ok without any extra fluids, but one day at a time. Her numbers on her blood work were so far off that its going to take a while.

She was able to sit outside for a while today and did 5 laps around the yard. She had a bologna sandwich for dinner with potato chips, dip and pickles (you would think she was pregnant!) I don't care what she eats, as long as she eats!

And that's all I have to say.

Love to all, thanks for the prayers.

Joe, Julie and Jake

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