Hi All... Happy Tuesday
Julie and I had a 4 hour session today.
Julie got 2 additional supplements via IV that take 1 hour each and I spent the day training on how to give Julie her medicine. She carries around her new friend (black fanny pack bag with the medicine and battery operated computer pump). This bag stays with her 24/7 and needs to be charged every day. (wow...that just reminded me to plug it in!) so I did ...
I have a lot to remember... clean, disinfect, don't kink the tubing , no bubbles in the tubing... make sure you charge the battery... Ha Ha ! Be nice to Julie and a bunch of other stuff...
We did sit in the sun a little bit and Julie did do one lap around the back yard. She is down to 106 lbs. so we have a lot of work to do.
We head back to the clinic at 10 am tomorrow morning for more blood work and another medicine setup for another day. I think I might have to do the set up by myself... wish me luck! (I'm sure the nurses will be looking over my shoulder) as long as I don't see the 3 foot wooden ruler on the teachers (nurses) desk I should be fine...
Thank you all... for the love , prayers and all the support... we definitely can feel it!
Love to all
Joe and Julie

Julie's chillin in her big leather recliner... blanket and everything!