Hi All, Happy Thursday...
I have good news, Julie's Tumor is shrinking!
We have been waiting for the Burzynski Clinic to read the PET scan from last week. Monday to Monday to Thursday was a long stressful wait, but we made it! The clinic is saying the tumor has shrank 10 percent over the last 4 weeks. We probably should have waited a little longer between PET scans but we were anxious for some kind of confirmation that the Antineoplastons are working, and they are!
They are still watching some other spots but the main thing is to shrink that mass in her abdomen. Julie and I think it has shrunk more than 10 percent, but we will take the 10 percent. Julie is still feeling tired, but better. We adjusted her Antineoplastons to slow down the delivery, so we will see how that works.
Her blood work has also been good, so we're happy with that!
We are still chillin' out in Florida for a few more weeks, and are planning on returning to Wisconsin by the end of May.
Thanks for all the cards, phone calls, texts and all the prayers! We are still praying for our friends from the Burzynski Clinic as well as Micheal and Adrian and everyone else that is suffering from the big C and all other illnesses.
Love to all, have a great weekend!
Joe and Julie
Dear Julie and Joe,
It is so great to hear that the tumor has shrunk! That is fabulous news. I celebrate with you.
I hold you all in prayer for continued shrinkage of the tumor and Julie's healing.
I can feel the love, prayers, and faith! You are a darling couple!
With love and prayers,
Mike and Mary-Beth Desmond