Hi Everyone, Happy Cinco de Mayo!
Sorry I haven't posted in a while, everything is pretty status quo... which is actually really good.
Julie had her dressing change and blood work this week. Everything is going ok. Julie is still tired and we are still saying it's the Antineoplastons. We are talking with Patrick at the Burzynski Clinic about slowing the medicine down some more or maybe cutting back, but don't want to do either because the treatment is working, so we will take it week by week. Julie did water walk the last two days but it did wipe her out! She is trying to do a little more each day and actually dried the dishes for me tonight. Baby steps! It's not just the physical wear and tear on us but the emotional stress also. We lost another one of our friends from the clinic last week. Jordan had struggled and suffered for the past two years, he lived not far from us in Bradenton, FL and we wanted to visit but he was in and out of the hospital since he got home. His service was today and we just could not go... Sorry Charlene, Debbie and family... may he rest in peace.
So... 2 more weeks before we head North, it's starting to heat up pretty good around here, and I like it. I started to walk again and also have been water walking with Julie, so we will be home before you know it. Thanks to Jake and neighbor Bob for cutting our grass. (so much for No Mow May).
That's all I have for now, Please keep praying and thanks again for all your prayers.
Love to all,
Joe and Julie
