Hi All , Happy Sunday!
Sorry I haven't posted all week, Julie's week started out kind of slow.
We lost our dear Aunt Chris to the big C... I don't even want to say the word anymore. It shook Julie up!
Chris was supposed to start at the Burzynski Clinic and just didn't make it, and we missed the funeral, so it was a rough start to the week. Julie also has a bit of a cold and is coughing, we think it might be allergies. Linda who is taking care of Julie down here says her lungs are clear, so we are going with allergies. Julies end of week is much better, still a little tired but doing ok! This coming week will be a dressing change on Monday and more blood work (need to schedule) and a solar eclipse!
We are still trying to feed Julie as much as possible. We took her to one of her favorite places again, maybe you can guess???

As for me, I just received another months supply of Antineoplastons from the Burzynski Clinic. I have to keep everything organized and make sure Julie doesn't run out of any of her medicine. Its almost been 2 months since Julie started on the medicine and thank God for it. She has come such a long way. We know this journey is not over but the Burzynski Clinic said we could see a clean scan in 2 to 4 months.
God willing we hope and pray it will happen.
Julie and I will keep praying for all our friends that are dealing the the big C... Jordan, Di, Adrian, Danka, Barry and Michael and will keep praying for everyone that is struggling with all illnesses!!!!
Thank you for all your thoughts and prayers.
God bless all and love to all!
Joe and Julie