Hi All, Happy Saturday eve.
February... What a month, January... what a month also!
Starting December 30th our lives turned into a blur! I'm glad I'm writing this stuff down and doing this blog. It's a good thing, bad thing... I want to remember but I also want to forget. Most of you know I'm a numbers kind of guy, and pretty good with statistics, but I keep a lot of it in my head so sometimes I forget stuff... I know I'm kind of rambling (Amy can fix this later).
January 30th... Julie ended up in the hospital with three days to live. (Julie doesn't like it when I bring this up) But it was serious shit so it's hard for me to forget.
Now, another 30 days later we are at March 1st (thank God there wasn't a February 30th, see where I was going?) Because on March 1st and now on March 2nd Julie and I believe we have finally turned the corner for the positive. Julie's weight has finally stabilized and her blood work is getting much better. She is gaining energy and we have made shopping trips and she even went with me to get my car washed today, wow! She still gets tired pretty easily but she's getting better. Julie will need to be on the Antineoplastons for a while (probably months) but that's ok.
This should be our last week at the Burzynski clinic if everything goes well. Julie has blood work on Monday so keep praying for good results.
We met a Godmother / Goddaughter today... I thought they were mother / daughter, Oops! The Godmother is getting treatment and the Goddaughter is a nurse, how nice. As I have said in past posts we have met people from all around the world, most from the United States. All of the patients have been to the best cancer centers before they came to the Burzynski Clinic and I want to list them... MD Anderson, Sloan Kettering, Massachusetts General, Dana-Farber, Moffit, Northwestern, and us at UW-Health are just some of the names I can remember. All of these patients (including us) have been given no hope at all at these institutions. We have all been given a whole lot of hope at the Burzynski clinic! I hope and pray to God that all cancer patients can be cured, and by looking at the pictures on the walls and the past patients we have met at the clinic, the Burzynski's and their staff are doing a really good job!
Tonight we are chillin' watching "Shrek" and then off to bed!
Thanks again for all the love, hope and prayers.
Keep the faith and enjoy the rest of the weekend.
Love to all
Joe and Julie