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Happy Mothers Day !

Updated: May 12

Hi All You Mothers ! and fathers , sons and daughters, Aunts and Uncles, family and friends!!!

I'm writing this Saturday evening because it's hot out ! So Julie took a nap and I'm writing.

Today we received another months supply of Antineoplastons. Julie is completing her 3rd month on the medicine and her 4th month from her diagnosis. (actually more than 4 months but who's counting).

She is still tired and usually takes a nap every day, but so do a lot of people! We talked to Patrick at the Burzynski Clinic again this week . The last few weeks we have been talking about lowering Julie's dosage but we still don't want to, we all agree the medicine is working so we don't want to change anything.

If she does start getting lethargic then we will definitely have to lower the dosage, but for now we keep the status quo. We did do a dressing change this week and she had her vitals checked, she is doing good.

We did go out to lunch today with Leah and Danny to celebrate Mothers day. (Julie and Leah's selfie below). The countdown has begun... 10 more days before we leave Florida! We will see everyone up North very soon.

My sisters are telling me we have more followers, some of the boys from my high school swim team are even keeping an eye on me and Julie, wow I graduated high school in 1976!!! Thank you boys! I'm sure we have all kinds of thoughts, love and prayers coming our way, Julie says she can feel it and wants to thank everyone! So that's all I have for now. Please keep the love , faith , prayers and thoughts coming and Julie and I will do the same.

Happy Mothers day again!

Peace out.


Joe and Julie

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