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Happy Friday May 17th 2024

Updated: May 18

Hi All, Happy Friday.

Another hot one in Florida!!

This was actually a pretty good week, but I think kind of stressful.

We tried to get everything done this week, I had a lot of running around to do... and got everything done. Julie water walked every day except today, she had a dressing change at 1pm and by the time we got back she had lunch and was tired. Her blood pressure, oxygen and temperature was all good. She is still skinny as all can be at a whopping 102 lbs. The water walking is helping with her stamina but she still needs to eat more! We did talk to Patrick at the Burzynski Clinic about lowering the dose of the Antineoplatons (I know I'm starting to sound like a broken record) But we just keep holding off.

We did not do blood work this week, we figured we will just wait till we get back to Wisconsin. Speaking of Wisconsin, we are starting to pack up. We plan on leaving Sunday morning and hope to be back by Tuesday afternoon. Say some prayers, wish us luck and all kinds of good thoughts. Julie and I are still praying for everyone who is going through some tough times right now and hope and pray everything will be alright.

Love to all and see you on the flip side!

Joe and Julie

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