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Happy Friday 3/15/24

Hi Everyone, Happy Friday

I have some quick updates for everyone.

Julie is itchy, that's a new one for her... so I bought her some Benadryl (did you know there is a limit to the amount of Benadryl you can buy!!!???) I didn't know that and when I walked up to the counter with 3 packages the guy behind the counter said "pick 2"... I said I'm not here for a lottery ticket, I just want to buy some Benadryl for my itchy wife, he said "pick 2"... Sometimes I just don't know what's going on in America anymore! So I picked 2 and now my wife is sleepy! (and less itchy) Ha ha! We're thinking the itchiness is her body getting rid of all these cancer toxins!

Anyway, we found a nurse practitioner that's going to take care of Julie while we are in Florida (that was Wednesday). Yesterday we found a place to do her blood draws, and today we go for her dressing change on her central line.

Please pray for Aunt Chris as she makes her trek to the Burzynski clinic starting tomorrow!

Her appointment is Tuesday, so lets  hope and pray for the best!

We did manage to go out to lunch the other day with our friends Jimmy and Dale (see picture).

We are hoping to visit more family and friends in the coming weeks, so stay tuned for more fun and laughter! (and pictures)

Love to all!

Thanks for all the prayers!

Have a great day and a great weekend

Love, Joe and Julie


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