Hi All, Happy Ash Wednesday.
Today Julie and I arrived at the Burzynski Clinic at 10am.
They did blood work again and Julie's counts were a little off... so a little IV infusion and a prescription for potassium should help... Julie and I just love how on top of things they are at the clinic... no waiting till tomorrow... get it done now ! That's the attitude we like to see! Everyone here is so helpful!
Julie actually had a good day today... We spent over 3 hours at the clinic and I got to set up her medicine for the day... I did a good job! This is some thing I am going to have to do every day, so I need to be on my A game. After the clinic Julie wanted Chick fil a... Sorry Lord... and then we went to the grocery store for ice cream and chocolate milk... the clinic said I need to fatten Julie up any way possible...
We just finished watching the Queen... Freddie Mercury movie... Another person gone way too soon!
Got a call today from a friend this afternoon who just found out about Julie... He said what can I do... I said please send prayers... so everyone please keep praying. Thank you all for the love and support.
Gotta go... Time to Pick up Leah from the airport.
Love to all.
Joe and Julie
Ps. we are working on a better way to send email updates... so it may be a couple days before we send another reminder to read this via email. I suggest saving the blog website in your bookmarks so you can easily check it every night whether you get an email reminder or not... we will still plan on writing and posting each night before bed... we posted last night but didn't send an email reminder so check out that one too!
