Yes, the title of today's blog is Garbage! Why, I'm sure you are asking, why garbage?
Well for a couple of reasons... these days, sometimes I just feel like garbage! Tired, exhausted, low, out of sorts, I just feel like a pile of garbage.
Here's what took me to write this story today. Yesterday my neighbor Bob asked me to do a dump run for him. Dump Run? Yes a dump run, I occasionally take his truck "Wilbur" and his red dump trailer to the Dane county land fill to get rid of his construction garbage. It's not that far from our house and we can't smell it and for some reason Bob doesn't like to go and I don't mind going so I went yesterday.
We'll I'm glad I went because it had great meaning to me... I didn't feel like garbage yesterday!
That's right... I was on top of the garbage! May sound weird... and it's hard to explain... but I'm sure some of you get it... I was on top for this big huge pile of garbage! I could have been in it, but I was on top of it! What a great place to start! When you are low you can still start at the top... I think I just came up with a new saying... "When you are low, you can still start at the top"... The day was beautiful, the sun was shining, there was a little breeze in the air and I was thinking how close I was to Julie standing at the top of this garbage hill (que the tears).
I was then inspired to do my first TIKTOK video since Julie got sick... it wasn't my best work... but I guess I had to start somewhere... check it out @joeski.jc I was doing videos before Julie got sick and when she got sick it was all hands on deck trying to find a cure for her so I took a break from posting.
I don't know how much longer I am going to do this blog, Tomorrow is Julie's big day so we will just see how it goes... I have a lot of work to do down in Florida so I'm leaving ASAP to start on that... I do have a lot of family and friends who are willing to help me rebuild our Villa and repair our mobile home... Just kind of waiting for everything to dry out and find out how much insurance will cover. I'm thinking of doing some TIKTOK videos of my repairs and maybe I'll do some from the beach if I take some breaks!
So that's all I have for now... I'll see some of you tomorrow, if not, I hope to run into you somewhere down the line... I do have to hand out Julie's ashes... So If I show up at your door one day with a little container full of ashes... you'll know what to do!
Please keep praying for everyone who is struggling and suffering from all illnesses... what the heck... let's pray for everyone and each other!
God bless us all... and God bless America!
Great post Joe. Julie is smiling about it. I just know it. Sending you tons of love brother . Sending prayers all the time !-Shawn (doc)