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Friday June 7th 9pm.

Yes, I am still awake ...... don't know how ,,, probably cause Jake stopped by for a piece of pizza.

But i'm kicking him out as soon as I'm done writing this post!

Julie is home!!!!! and so glad to be home ... Just like Aunt Marge said " there's no place like home ( or was that Dorthy) .

It was a long week, I try to figure out the schedule for the week for Julie and by Tuesday it went right out the window. Low hemoglobin, high white blood cell count, fluid in her abdomen and a possible infection. The hospital is going to test the fluid for an infection. I could give you a play by play but I just want to forget about the week.

So... thank you everyone for the thoughts and prayers and love and support and the phone calls and the texts and everything else, Julie and I both need everyone's support so thank you thank you thank you.

Oh .. by the way ... Julie is doing good, she is coughing less, her energy is up but she is losing her hair like crazy .. I'm thing its because she has been anemic for so long ... but I'm not sure???

So... Good nite to everyone, sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite. (and have a great weekend)

Love to all

Joe and Julie

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