Hi Everyone, Happy Friday morning!
I'm starting my day off with this blog because I wanted to thank my Uncle Earl and Cousin Stacy for stopping by yesterday. They live in Las Vegas and came to the Chicago area to visit friends and relatives and decided to drive up to Wisconsin to see me and Julie. Thank you!
I also wanted to thank cousin Georgia and her husband Scott for stopping by the other day. They don't live too far from us so they ride their bikes to our house. So we are getting a few visitors. The only thing is Julie is sleeping a lot, So they don't get much time with her. Thanks to Aunt Terry for the phone call, sorry you didn't get to talk to Julie, next time.
I am working on things! I talked to Patrick at the Burzynski Clinic yesterday and we decided to lower her Antineoplastons dosage to see if she can get some energy. Right now she has none! She just really likes to sit on the couch and sleep the day away. Amy and the twins were here yesterday also so Julie did have a busy day and actually stayed up til 9:30 last night. We started high dose Vitamin C infusions a couple of weeks ago so we will see if that also helps with her energy . This week the only thing Julie had to do was go for her dressing change and IV infusion on Tuesday. I feel Julie's sleeping all the time is a sign of healing, and I pray that it is.
Next week Wednesday will be a busy day. We have an appointment with Palliative care and the pulmonologist, so say a prayer for us Wednesday morning. Then Thursday more IV infusion.
I did have a little time this week to work on something new, establishing a Burzynski Patient Foundation. When I was in Houston in February I met with the Director Of Finance at the Burzynski Clinic and asked if they had anyway to accept donations for patients who could not afford to come to the clinic. He said nothing like that had ever been set up. So, I said I would do it. Didn't think it was going to take me 6 months but I started working on it the other day. I still need the Burzynski Families approval to roll with it, But you can see the one page web site I created. burzynskipatientfoundation.org. I'll let you know when I have approval to run with this! Then all my rich family and friends can make a donation ;) . The foundation will be set up as a 501 c 3 so all donations will be tax deductible and I will work with the director of finance to distribute the funds. The Burzynski Clinic has helped many celebrities including Suzanne Somers so I'm sure there are some people who will donate to the foundation.
On another note, our cancer fighting friend Michael had a surgery yesterday, so say a prayer for him and his family. Also please keep praying for me and Julie and everyone who is fighting any illness.
Julie and I will keep praying for everyone also.
Love and prayers to all.
Have a great Friday and a great weekend
Joe and Julie