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What Day Is It?

Hi Everyone, I know what day it is... Happy Wednesday!

I gotta tell ya... the days seem to be blending together, sometimes it feels like it's ground hog day and other days it's a new day. Well today is a new day for all.

Sorry I didn't post yesterday, the internet was out and after a long day at the clinic I was just too tired.

So lets backtrack to Tuesday. Jake went home in the morning, he was here for a week and definitely took care of Julie and me, the kid loves to cook so there was always something good to eat.

Julie and I spent the day at the clinic, she had fluids again and had a dressing change to her central line.

It was a long day, we didn't get home till about 6pm. We had some leftovers and because there was no TV we just settled in bed for the night.

Today was a much shorter day at the clinic. They did do blood work on Julie and also some more fluids.

I set up her medicine and we were out the door before 2pm. Julie is getting stronger, she's walking to the car, to the clinic and around the house much more. She is also starting to eat more and more and more. She's finally getting her appetite to come back and did 6 laps around the yard this afternoon. Hopefully we can put some fat and muscle back on her bones.

Tomorrow we are back at the clinic at 10 am.

Love to all, keep praying.

Joe and Julie

P.s. I try to proofread these blogs before they are posted. My dad got his days messed up when he was writing, and I had to fix it, not sure if he really knows what day it is. ~Amy

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