Hi All, Happy Monday!
Although to be honest we haven't been the happiest. Since my last post, Julie continues to not gain energy or weight. I have been able to give her the new medicine routine and get her to her IV infusion appointments but it is getting harder for her. We had a virtual visit with the Palliative Care nurse this morning and have decided to sign up for in-home Hospice. We were happy to hear that someone can come to the house as often as we need and can keep an eye on Julie's vitals. She has still been struggling with fevers spiking in the afternoons and continues to be on antibiotics. We've been told that she can continue to get her bloodwork done and her drainage appointment with the Pulmonologist.
It's hard to write today, as this whole situation seems to be getting harder but I know we haven't update you all in awhile so doing the best I can.
We appreciate the family and neighbors that continue to call and come over. We got some really good gluten-free treats from the neighbor kids last week. Yum!
We are doing our best to keep fighting and praying!
Thanks to all that are praying with us!
Joe and Julie
Hi Joey, We are all praying for you and Julie and the kids. It's heartbreaking to hear, but Julie is a tough cookie. I think about all of you every day. The entire Collins family is sending their love and prayers your way. We love you all dearly!
The entire Collins Family