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Happy Friday!

Hi Everyone! Happy Friday!

Well... we made it back to Wisconsin !

It was a long ride... especially for Julie. She was pretty wiped out when we got home, but she's much better now after a couple of days of rest. We did talk to Patrick at the Burzynski Clinic yesterday and decided to lower the dosage of the Antineoplastons to see if we can jump start her energy level, hopefully it works! Now its time to get settled in. Hopefully everyone has a safe and fun Memorial Day weekend. Love and Prayers to all.

Joe and Julie

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Saturday 6/22/2024

Hi All, It's been another long week, although it really did just fly by! The week (Father's day) started off kind of quiet. I did get to spoil me and Julie a little bit by cooking a steak on the grill

Friday June 7th 9pm.

Yes, I am still awake ...... don't know how ,,, probably cause Jake stopped by for a piece of pizza. But i'm kicking him out as soon as I'm done writing this post! Julie is home!!!!! and so glad to be

Julie Cielinski's

Cancer Story

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