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Road trip to Houston

Updated: Feb 8

On February 6, 2024, Julie, Amy and I headed to Houston. After a 2-day trip we settled into an Airbnb that we have rented for a month.

Today we had a 3.5 hour "consultation" with Dr. Burzynski and his team in Houston. Julie has been accepted into his program and will begin treatments on Monday.

Julie is very tired and is looking forward to a restful weekend. I never thought I would say this but I might get sick of eating tacos in Texas, they are on every corner and excellent.

So far, this is the best care that we've had at a clinic in a month. We are really optimistic about this plan and will keep everyone updated as much as we can via this blog.

In the next few days I will try to give you all the back story that led up to this trip to Texas.

Amy is leaving tomorrow, Leah is coming Wednesday and Julie's cousin Jill and husband Bob are planning to visit us soon.

Thanks for the support and keep the prayers coming! They are working!


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